HRA op rods were marked 6535382 HRA and 6535382 HRA with a dot.. These op rods were used throughout
HRA production.
HRA used the stamped post war bullet guide with the one notch on the side. HRA's swage for the timing leg
was usually a small star. The later rifles have swages that are similar to International's swage. HRA also starting
using Overton rear handguards later production.
HRA Hart Drawing Number |

Note Black Finished HRA Safety |

Later HRA Safeties Were Smoother |

Early 4.66 million HRA's had some unique features. The stock had the ordnance wheel and the san serif P
in a circle. The DAS cartouche wasn't in use yet. They also had complete HRA trigger groups but used Springfield
WWII hammers. The hammers were usually 3, 8 or 9 SA's. They used WWII Winchester internal parts, ie early Winchester
op rod catches, op rods and follower assemblies. Springfield parts could also be found. The trigger housings were
made by Hart and were marked 6528290 HRA H and the H looked "bowlegged". These early Hart groups had HRA tapering triggers,
HRA marked safeties that looked black krinkly finished, usually HRA stamped trigger guards, SA hammers, no winged plungers
and 45 degree plunger tubes.
3/8 inch DAS Cartouche |

HRA stocks with the 3/8 inch DAS usually don't have the large horseshoe area found on the later 1/2 inch DAS
HRA stocks. There have been some 3/8" DAS HRA stocks from the greek returns with the large horseshoe area. They do have
both the san serifed P in a circle and the serif P. The san serifed is more common.
HRA Front Sight And Screw |

Most HRA rifles used a ribbed front sight screw. Note the ribs don't go front to back. Advanced Collectors
in Texas have examined a large example of original Greek HRA M1's and found this screw on 100% of their examples.